These pumpkins were harvested last August and September and are still sitting on top of my cabinets in my kitchen today! Soon, I'll be using them in recipes like pumpkin curry and I plan to make a smooth pumpkin butter spread with orange juice this year.
The great thing about pumpkins is that they last so long after you pick them. Although at some point, usually within 6 months, you'll want to make sure you eat them because they can start to rot from the inside out and lose flavor.
Nothing is more fun, especially if you have small children, then dedicating part of your farm area to a pumpkin patch. In early Fall, when the leaves have all fallen off the plants and they're beginning to turn brown, the site of many bright orange pumpkins is one to behold!
Growing Pumpkins
If you want to grow pumpkins, you'll need a good bit of space.
I just took this picture at left of the space I used to grow pumpkins last season. I grew them in two long hills about 3 feet wide and 12 feet long. I spaced 3-4 feet in between the 2 rows and I allowed for 2 feet in between plants on each row.
So, I had about a dozen plants (6 per hill row) and they produced 15 pumpkins of varying sizes. When you go to buy seeds, make sure you get the pumpkin seeds that are for EATING, not the ones that are for show.
Saving seeds with pumpkins is easy, just scoop them out, wash them and dry them. Then store them in an envelope in a cool, dark place until next year. I usually plant all my squash and pumpkins in late April or early May, whenever the soil is warm enough to germinate the seeds.
Good luck and let me know if you have any questions!
PS - Don't forget to check out my
consulting rates for 2013!